
The Generator source allows you to dynamically create visual content which is generated live by ONYX.

Generator effects can be found in the Library, the Library pop-up in the Zone Composer, as well as via the encoders.

At this time, Generators are only available within the Factory content.

Opacity Curves

Some generators support an Opacity Curve (Beam Effects FX encoders 5-8), which allows to generate additional transparency information on top of the generators color output. The opacity curve is shown as a grey line in the thumbnail, whereas the color curve is shown as a white line.

These controls are also available on the Generator tab of the Zone Parameters:

Types and Controls for Generators

Generators each feature unique parameters for adjusting their output. See below for each generator's specific features, found in the Beam Effects parameter group:


Thumbnail Name Explanation

The continuous generator features a soft gradient with a customizable center point and curvature.

  • Curve Point X: The horizontal location of the curve point on the graph.
  • Curve Point Y: The vertical location of the curve point on the graph.
  • Curve Curvature: Sets the softness of the gradient. Lower values create a more linear curve.
  • Curve Steepness: Sets the steepness of the curvature. 45 degrees (the center) flattens the curve, moving to 0 or 90 degrees
  • Opacity Curve: See the section above for more info.

The peak generator features a centered gradient with a customizable center point and curvature.

  • Curve Point X: The horizontal location of the curve point on the graph.
  • Curve Peak Width: Sets the overall width of the curve.
  • Curve Curvature: Sets the softness of the gradient. Lower values create a more linear curve.
  • Curve Steepness: Sets the steepness of the curvature. Lower values create a convex curve, higher values create a concave curve.
  • Opacity Curve: See the section above for more info.


Thumbnail Name Explanation

The plasma generator creates a moving plasma.

  • Number of Colors: Sets the amount of color variation across the generator. Choosing a low number limits the number of colors, which can work really well with a custom palette.

Voronoi creates an stained-glass pattern that moves and morphs.

  • Border Size: Sets the thickness of the border, which is opaque.
  • Number of Colors: Sets the amount of color variation across the generator. Choosing a low number limits the number of colors, which can work really well with a custom palette.

2D Shapes

Thumbnail Name Explanation
Bouncing Balls

Bouncing Balls creates a single or series of balls that bounce from the borders of the canvas with an opaque background.

  • Ball Radius: Set the size of the balls.
  • Number of Balls: Sets the quantity of balls.
  • Glow: Sets a glowing radius which softens the edge of the balls and adds a bit of a highlight.
Bouncing 2D Shapes

Bouncing 2D Shapes creates geometric shapes which bounce off the walls of the canvas.

  • Shape Corners: Number of corners and therefore sets the type of shape.
  • Number of Shapes: Sets the number of objects.
  • Glow: Sets a glowing radius which softens the edge of the balls and adds a bit of a highlight.

Floweroid creates a flower-type shape.

  • Inner Radius: Sets the radius where the petals come together.
  • Outer Radius: Set the radius of where the petals extend to.
  • Number of Petals: Sets the number of petals.
  • Glow: Sets a glowing radius which softens the edge of the balls and adds a bit of a highlight.
  • Opacity Curve: See the section above for more info.

Creates bouncing balls made of a clingy lava goo. Looks surprisingly like meatballs with the correct settings.

  • Viscosity: Thickness of the "goo". Higher values are thicker and more spread out.
  • Number of balls: Quantity of the Metaballs.
Matrix Squares

Sets a series of tunneling squares that cycle.

  • Aspect Ratio: Defaulting to "Square", lowering this control creates tall rectangles, raising it creates wider rectangles.
  • Repetition: Control for the total number of repeated patterns in the canvas.
  • Number Of Colors: Sets the amount of color variation across the generator. Choosing a low number limits the number of colors, which can work really well with a custom palette.
  • Exponential Curve: Sets the curve type as to how the color palette or grayscale is distributed along the shape.
  • Opacity Curve: See the section above for more info.
Matrix Ellipses

Sets a series of tunneling ellipses that cycle.

  • Aspect Ratio: Defaulting to "Circle", lowering this control creates tall ellipses, raising it creates wider ellipses.
  • Repetition: Control for the total number of repeated patterns in the canvas.
  • Number Of Colors: Sets the amount of color variation across the generator. Choosing a low number limits the number of colors, which can work really well with a custom palette.
  • Peak Curve: Sets the curve type as to how the color palette or gray scale is distributed along the shape.
  • Opacity Curve: See the section above for more info.
Matrix Lines

Sets a series of tunneling squares that cycle.

  • Fill Ratio: Sets the percent of area that the generator fills within the canvas.
  • Repetition: Sets the number of times the lines pattern repeats within the same frame.
  • Number Of Colors: Sets the amount of color variation across the generator. Choosing a low number limits the number of colors, which can work really well with a custom palette.
  • Exponential Curve: Sets the curve type as to how the color palette or grayscale is distributed along the shape.
  • Opacity Curve: See the section above for more info.


Thumbnail Name Explanation

Creates a flame-like effect.

  • Power: Sets the intensity of the fire, from low to high.
  • Number Of Colors: Sets the amount of color variation across the generator. Choosing a low number limits the number of colors, which can work really well with a custom palette.

Creates a cloud-field that moves across the canvas.

  • Number Of Colors: Sets the amount of color variation across the generator. Choosing a low number limits the number of colors, which can work really well with a custom palette.
  • Density: Sets the thickness of the fog clouds. Zero is steam-less, full is a thick fog.