
The Inhibitive can not be used to raise the level of the fixtures it contains, but the position of its associated fader will determine the output of the fixture(s) that are recorded in cue 1 of the Inhibitive Cuelist.

For example, if a fixture is in a Cuelist at 100%, but the Inhibitive fader is set to 25%, then the output of the fixture will be 25%.

The Inhibitive works on a proportional basis. This means that when set to 50%, all fixtures within the Inhibitive that are active in other Cuelists will be outputting 50% of whatever their recorded value is.

The intensity level of the fixture recorded in the Inhibitive is not used in calculating the output. However only those fixtures with an intensity value of 3% or higher in cue 1 of the Inhibitive Cuelist will be affected by the fader level.

If a fixture is contained in one or more Inhibitives, all of those Inhibitive faders must be up for the fixture’s intensity to read on stage. The lowest Inhibitive fader with the particular fixture assigned will ultimately determine the output of that fixture.

Inhibitive Fader Options

Only the Startup Settings are available for an Inhibitive: