
When the cuelist type is set to Submaster, the intensity information of cue 1 in that cuelist will be controlled by the associated fader. As the fader is raised, the intensity will raise to the values recorded in the submaster.

Other cuelists can drive the fixtures contained in that submaster to a higher level, but they cannot lower the fixtures lower than the submaster. This is called "Highest Takes Precedence".

Submaster Options

There are 3 separate options that can be set for a Submaster.

Item Explanation
Overrideable by Programmer (default ON)

When selected (and it is by default), the Programmer can override the submaster and cause the intensity levels of the fixtures on the submaster to go higher or lower.

When deselected, the Programmer will have no effect on the levels of the Submaster.

It is worth noting, however, that even if the changes are not being output to the stage, you may still bring a fixture down below the level of the Submaster in the programmer and record it in a cue - it just won't show it until you bring the Submaster down!

Ignore Bank Change Release (default OFF) With this setting enabled (checked) the Submaster ignores the Global Submaster Reset setting found in the menu under Show > Settings > Playback. (See “Reset Submaster fader levels to default on inactive banks”.) When disabled (and appropriately configured under Show Settings), the Submaster will go to zero when you change banks.
Submaster is SWOPable (default OFF) This option allows the Go button for the selected Submaster to act as a “Solo” button. That is to say, when the Go button is pressed, all intensity channels in all other Cuelists, Submasters AND the Programmer will be forced to a level of zero. Multiple Submasters with this option set to on can be used simultaneously in a “pile-on” manner. When released, the previous levels will be restored to the stage. Note that only intensity levels are affected; pan, tilt, color, etc. will continue with whatever fade was in progress.

Submasters are NOT affected by the Release button.