Connecting Multiple Input Processors

Input processors can be created and used on their own. However, they become extremely powerful when chained together.


Example Processor Chains:

Multi Beat Divider
Filtered Waveform
Referenced Beat Divider
Referenced Filtered Waveform
Input Selector




Creating an Input Processor Chain

(example of creating a Referenced Filtered Waveform)


  1. Open the Library View (Default view 5) and navigate to the Input Source tab.

  2. All slots will be blank if you're starting from scratch. To create one, Right-click or hold EDIT and press an empty slot.

  3. Select Create Input Source...

  4. Select a VU Meter and assign it to an audio input

  5. Repeat Steps 1 thru 3

  6. Select an Audio Filter Processor and use the source type "INPUT SLOT" to assign it to the VU Meter created in step 4.

  7. Repeat Step 6 to create a second Audio Filter

  8. Edit the Audio Filters; assign one as a Low Pass and the other as a High Pass

  9. Create a Reference Input Processor and assign it to one of the Audio Filters using the "INPUT SLOT" source type

  10. Create a Waveform Input Processor and assign it to the Reference Input Processor

  11. Use the Reference Input Processor to switch the Waveform Input Processor Source on the fly.
    - Cue Setting/Detail Menu

    - Function Keys