Removing Attributes from Cues

The Remove function is similar to the Clear function except that where the Clear function will remove an attribute from the programmer, the Remove function will remove the attribute from a cue.

To see how Record Remove works, follow these steps:

  1. Using the Artiste DaVinci's from the ONYX training file, record a cue 1 using intensity, pan, tilt, and gobo.
  2. Press Clear twice to clear the Programmer and playback the cue.
  3. Select the 11 Artiste DaVinci's - 101 THRU 111 ENTER.
  4. Place a value in the Programmer for the “Gobo 1” wheel. It can be any non-null value. (This will work for any other attribute as well).

  5. Press Record to bring up the Record Options pop-up
  6. Select Remove
  7. Press Cue 1 Enter
  8. The Record Remove pop up window will open.

    You have the following options.
    • Simple: Any value for the specified attribute will be removed from the cue. All fixtures with that attribute in the Programmer will be set to null, regardless of their current level.
    • Exact: Only values at the same precise level will be removed. Example: If a cue has some fixtures at 50% cyan and others at 100% cyan, then bringing the fixtures to 100% cyan and executing an Exact Record Remove will only remove the values from the fixtures at 100%. The cyan levels of the other fixtures will remain at 50%.
    • Cancel: Cancels the command, but leaves the parameters active in the programmer.
  9. Select Simple. The gobo attribute levels are removed from the cue.
  10. Press Clear Clear to Clear the Programmer.

Remove can also be used with a range of cues as in:

Record Remove 1 Thru 3 + 9 Enter. This would remove values from cues 1, 2, 3 and 9.