
Video clips and many of the Generators can have animation within their DyLOS parameters.

For example, any content that has motion will feature this menu in the Zone Parameters:

By default, it carries these settings, being played forward by the arrow, and repeating endlessly. But there are other options, both via the buttons and some that are exclusive to the Encoders/Channel Visualization:

Button Name Explanation
Once Plays the content once.
Loop Plays forward, repeating endlessly.
Bounce Plays forward then back, repeating endlessly.
Swing Plays forward then back, but on a sine curve. The clip is faster at the ends, and slower in the middle.
Random Jumps between random frames within the content.
Encoders/CV ONLY Stop Stops the content. It is not shown on the canvas.
Encoders/CV ONLY Absolute A single frame of the content, with the position determined by the place of the "Mask Playback position" encoder.
Encoders/CV ONLY Pause Pauses the content at the current frame.
Encoders/CV ONLY Beat Sets the playback speed based on the BPM determined via the "Mask Playback Play speed" encoder.
Encoders/CV ONLY Beat Bounce Sets the playback speed based on the BPM determined via the "Mask Playback Play speed" encoder. It follows the "Bounce" method of playback.

Animation with Effects

DyLOS Effects also offer animation of many of their parameters. Learn more on the Effects page.

Animation with FX

Static content can still be animated using the FX in ONYX.

In fact, any parameter of the DyLOS Zone can be used in an FX to change the value dynamically. Because Zones are Fixtures with regular parameters, any parameter that you see on the Channel Visualization can be modified dynamically with the FX. And this unlocks a entire world of possibilities!

Here's a short example.

I've prepared a Zone with the Factory Generator #1 from the Gradient folder and the "Lines" effect from the Deformations folder:

Now, I'll press on the "Effect 1" part fixture (where the Lines effect is applied - as shown above), and open the Channel Visualization to Beam Effects

I've selected the "FX 2" - "Content repetition Y" control by pressing it, and now will press to "FX" and applied these settings:

The result is a cool Zooming effect as the Y repetition of the Effect Layer is smoothly adjusted on the sine curve shape.

Any DyLOS parameter can be animated like this using the FX in ONYX. Click here to learn more about the FX in ONYX.

Now that we understand how to create Animation via DyLOS, it's time to learn a very important concept - how Opacity works in DyLOS!