Network Settings

Network Settings allow you manage all of the network functions of ONYX through one central location.

Click on the categories below to expand or contract each section to reference as needed.



In the Shows settings, you can see any active X-Net network shows, and the right column shows a number of statistics and tasks.

You may also Join and Leave shows here. Learn more about using X-Net here.


The Devices settings allows you to see other network consoles and PC's running ONYX.

In the main left column, we can see any devices on the network, and what show they are running.

Once a device is selected, we can Push our show file, Leave the network show, Update a network device, Synchronize the custom fixture library and Update the software on all detected devices via the right column.

The right column also contains some useful statistics about the selected device.


Much like the other network tabs, Interfaces allows you to see the various network interfaces on the current device and configure them.

In the left column, we select the network interface we wish to configure.

The right column then has 2 main sections:


Settings allow you to change the IP address and Subnet Mask for the selected network interface.

This section has 3 options at the top:

Menu Item Function
Automatic Allows the computer to have it's IP address set via DHCP from the router in your network system.
Static Allows you to fully customize the IP address and Subnet Mask.
Ether DMX Sets the IP range in the 2.X.X.X range, which is recommended for running DMX over Ethernet.


The options section allows you to set which network protocols you wish to allow on the selected network interface.

Be sure to press Apply in the lower right hand corner when you have completed making changes.

Protocols Description
X-Net X-Net is a proprietary protocol used to connect and sync multiple Onyx consoles or PCs together. 
 Remote The ONYX Remote allows you to control your ONYX system remotely. Learn how to configure the ONYX Remote app here.

Art-Net is used to send DMX over the network to an Ether-DMX node capable of decoding Art-Net.

Learn how to set these up here on the EtherDMX Settings page.


sACN is used to send DMX over the network to an Ether-DMX node capable of decoding sACN.

Learn how to set these up here on the EtherDMX Settings page.

NDI NDI accepts network video into the console for use in Dylos. NDI Configuration

The CITP Protocol allows integration between ONYX and a compatible Media Server.

You can setup CITP here, and also manage when and how you want the CITP information to be updated via the settings.

Learn how to configure CITP in ONYX here.

OSC OSC allows you to remotely control ONYX via applications and hardware, such as TouchOSC. Learn how to configure OSC here.
Telnet Telnet allows for sending Telnet commands into Onyx to trigger playbacks. List of Telnet Commands


The last tab under Network Settings allows you to set various network preferences: