Command Line Reference

The Command Line is a very powerful tool that can allow you to quickly perform a variety of functions. For your reference, these functions are listed in groups below:


Below are some commonly used “shortcuts” or quick commands.

Command Description

[.] [ENTER]

Selects all fixtures in the Programmer

[0] [ENTER]

Deselects all fixtures in the Programmer

[.] [0] [ENTER]

Grabs every patched fixture in the entire show and puts it into the Programmer


Goes to the specified cue in the specified time


Goes to the specified cue in time zero

[SNAP] + [REL]

Fades all fixtures to zero and then releases them from all playback controls in the specified time

[REL] + [SNAP]

Releases all attributes of all fixtures in all playback controls simultaneously


Loads all attributes of the active cue in the selected cuelist into the Programmer for editing


Records the contents of the Programmer into the next available whole numbered cue in the selected cuelist.



Loads the current output of all playbacks into the Programmer

Command Line Status

The Command Line shows the current status of the operation.


All operations are sent to the programmer but the programmer is not sent to the DMX output. Live/Blind can be toggled with PREVIEW.


Selected fixtures assume the Highlight state which usually is Open White with Intensity at 100%. Highlight can be customized from the Highlight tab in the Default window.


ONYX is in the patch mode and all operations are sent to the patch spreadsheet displayed above the Command Line.

Offline / Free

With no device connected, ONYX can still be used to output up to 4 universes. For more, see ONYX Licensing.


The indicator beside the command line will read "Live" when ONYX USB hardware is connected. For more, see ONYX Licensing.

Note: Grey text in the Command Line indicates that this was the previous command and the Command Line is now clear.

Fixture Selection

All fixture selection can also be done visually from the Fixture and Group windows, or via the command line and number keypad.

Learn more about Selecting Fixtures and Groups here.

This section is going to outline how to select fixtures with the command line and key pad.

Command Description


Selects fixture 1

1 + 10 ENTER

Selects fixture 1 + 10


Selects fixture 1 through 10

1 THRU 10 - 8 ENTER

Selects fixture 1 through 10 minus fixture 8 (1-7, 9-10)

3 + 10 + 1 ENTER

Selects fixture 3 and 10 and 1 (and stores the order of selection)

+ 15 ENTER

Adds fixture 15 to current selection


Deselect fixture 7 from the current selection


Selects Group 8


Deselects Group 5


Advance forward through selected fixtures or select next set of fixture mask


Step backwards through selected fixtures or select previous set of fixture mask


Reactivate fixture selection, used when a grouping tool/mask is in place or when next/last has been used within a selection.
Selection Shortcuts


Selects all fixtures currently in the programmer


Deselects all fixtures currently in the programmer


Selects all fixtures patched into the current showfile


Inverts fixture selection in the programmer


ONYX can combine fixtures and groups in patterns to create useful fixture selections.

It also allows to use the patterns as masks for powerful offsets and value spreads with the Fanning and Effects tools.

The function is accessed from the Parameter Group Button "Grouping" in the right side (or second page) of the Parameter Control buttons.

Learn more about using the Grouping Tools here.

Command Description


Reactivate fixture selection


Invert fixture selection in the programmer

Invert Mask

Invert selection within selected fixture mask


Randomizes selection order to use with Fanned timings and Effect delay (Step or Wave per x)


Sorts the current selection by the reversed ID #'s


Sorts current selection order by their ID #'s


Turn off grouping.

Every X

Current fixture selection is divided into every "X" fixtures, where X is the number you select. Use NEXT to advance through masked selection

Block of X

Current fixture selection is divided into blocks of "X" fixtures.

Divide by X

Current fixture selection is divided into "X" equal parts.

Mirror per X

Current fixtures are selecting in a mirror, with "X" being the total number of fixtures selected at one time.


NEXT/PREVIOUS advances in Groups. Groups can be used as Fan and Effect Offset Points.
Fan <> (Grouping Tools Command)

Values are applied to all fixtures in selection all calculated value spreads (Fanning and Effect Offsets) use the Grouping Tools.

Conditional Fixture Selection

This feature allows to select fixtures based on their current state in the playback on stage, for example all RED fixtures that are pointing to the DRUMS preset, or all fixtures that are currently 100% Intensity.

The command can be executed with an empty programmer to query the entire patch.

If fixtures are already selected in the programmer, the query is only considering those fixtures. This allows to select a Group first, e.g. all Washlights, then to select all BLUE fixtures.

The command can be executed as a selection tool with GROUP or as capture tool using LOAD.

Command Description
Group , then touch Preset Button Selects all fixtures that currently use the preset in the output
Group @ Preset + Preset + Preset Enter Selects all fixtures that currently use all of the selected presets in the output
(hold) Group Touch Preset + Preset + Preset Also selects all fixtures that currently use all of the selected presets in the output.
Group FULL Selects all fixtures at 100% Intensity in the output
Group Enter Selects all fixtures above 0% in the output
Group @ 20 Enter Selects all fixtures with exactly 20% Intensity
Group @ 50+ Enter Selects all fixtures with 50% and higher Intensity
Group @ 30- Enter Selects all fixtures with 30% and less Intensity
Group @ 20 THRU 80 Enter Selects all fixtures with from (and including) 20% to 80% Intensity
Load Preset Button Enter Read output for all fixtures that currently use the preset in the output
(hold) Load Preset + Preset + Preset Loads output for all fixtures that currently use all of the selected presets in the output
Load Group FULL Read output for all fixtures at 100% Intensity in the output
Load Group @ 20 Enter Read output for all fixtures with exactly 20% Intensity
Load Group @ 50+ Enter Read output for all fixtures with 50% and higher Intensity
Load Group @ 30- Enter Read output for all fixtures with 30% and less Intensity
Load Group @ 20 THRU 80 Enter Read output for all fixtures with from (and including) 20% to 80% Intensity

Intensity Commands

Intensity commands are used to assign dimmer levels to the fixture without needing to access the parameter controls.

They also allow to add or subtract values and they can be used to spread / fan levels across the fixture selection for more dynamic looks.

This is especially interesting in combination with the Grouping feature.

Command Description
[SELECTION] FULL Set Intensity for [SELECTION] to 100 % (e.g. 10 FULL) and confirm fixture selection
[SELECTION] @ 25 ENTER Set Intensity for [SELECTION] to 25 % (e.g. 15 @ 25 Enter)
[SELECTION] @ + 15 ENTER Add 15 % Intensity to [SELECTION]] (e.g. Group 5 @ + 15 Enter)
[SELECTION] @ - 25 ENTER Subtract 25% Intensity from [SELECTION] (e.g. 15 @ - 25 Enter)
[SELECTION] @ 0 THRU 100 ENTER Spread the Intensity across the [SELECTION] from 0 to 100% (e.g. @ 0 > 100 Enter)
[SELECTION] @ 0 THRU 100 THRU 0 ENTER Spread the Intensity across the [SELECTION] from 0% to 100% to 0% (e.g. @ 0 > 100 > 0 Enter)

Parameter Commands

Values can be entered directly for specific parameters, e.g. Magenta at 50%. It also possible to fan values across a selection with THRU.

Presets can be selected directly from the Command Line with the @ key and the Parameter Buttons.

Command Description
[Selection] @ Parameter Group # Enter Selects Preset # in Parameter Group specified, e.g. @ Color 10 Enter
[Selection] @ Parameter Button # Enter Assigns Value to Parameter, (Percent or DMX depends on Programmer setting) e.g. @ Magenta 50 Enter
[SELECTION] @ Parameter Button 0 THRU 100 ENTER Spread the Value across the [SELECTION] from 0 to 100% (e.g. @ Cyan 0 > 100 Enter)
[SELECTION] @ Parameter Button 0 THRU 100 THRU 0 ENTER Spread the Value across the [SELECTION] from 0% to 100% to 0% (e.g. @ Iris 0 > 100 > 0 Enter)

Playback Select

The selected cuelist is used for all modifications, options and CUE commands. Throughout the various ONYX hardware, there are different buttons that default to the select button.

This is customizable through the Function Assignments.

Command Description
Main Playback Fader/Playback Module Default is the topmost button, but can be customized. Also can be selected using the touch screen.
Button Module Default is LCD button, but can be customized.
Submaster Module / M-Play When empty the flash button acts as SELECT. You can also hold Selectand press the flash button on an occupied submaster.
Playback Buttons The screen button acts based on the chosen Mode above (Go, Pause, Select). Empty buttons are always SELECT
Cuelist Buttons The cuelist directory buttons always act as SELECT


Record is used to create new items in the showfile or to overwrite an existing one. A popup will ask for confirmation and overwriting choices depending on the item.

A toolbar is used to further define filters and options for RECORD. Read more about the Record Options here.

Command Description
RECORD [PLAYBACK SELECT] Add new cue to end of specific playback If playback is empty asks for cuelist type to create
RECORD CUE # ENTER Record Cue to specific Cue # in current selected cuelist
RECORD CUE # THRU # ENTER (e.g. RECORD CUE 2 THRU 10 ENTER) If cues exist in range only merging in existing cues is possible If cue range is not existing, all cues within the range are created
RECORD CUE # + # + # THRU # ENTER If cues exist conflict popups appear per cue
RECORD CUE # [PLAYBACK SELECT] Record Cue to playback at the entered number.
RECORD GROUP # ENTER Create new fixture Group and store fixture order and fixture filter settings. If Group exists, pop up asks to MERGE or REPLACE
RECORD GROUP Button Create new fixture Group and store fixture order and fixture filter settings. If Group exists, pop up asks to MERGE or REPLACE

Create new preset If existing preset is touched, pop up asks to MERGE or REPLACE.

Default filter only records only values of selected preset paramter group, or filtered parameters as set in Record toolbar

(Hold) RECORD Screenview Button Record new screenview


Editing is used to change an existing item of the showfile.

Command Description
EDIT Preset Button Edit the preset in the programmer, confirm changes of the changes with UPDATE
EDIT ENTER Edit the current active cue of the currently selected cuelist into the programmer for editing, confirm with UPDATE
EDIT CUE # ENTER Edit the cue # of the currently selected cuelist into the programmer for editing, confirm with UPDATE
EDIT Group Button Edit the group in the programmer, confirm with UPDATE
EDIT GROUP 4 ENTER Edit group 4 in the programmer, confirm with UPDATE
EDIT BANK ENTER Renaming of current Bank
(Hold) EDIT Screenview button Bring up popout to "Unlock and Edit"
(Hold) EDIT F-Key Edit shortcut functions for Function keys


Update is either used to confirm a open EDIT command or it is used to trace current programmer values into the playback and offer direct updating of many playbacks and presets at once.

This is called "auto-update' and will open a popup to select options and include/exclude presets and cuelists.

Learn more about Update here.

Command Description
UPDATE (confirm popups) UPDATE Uses current programmer values to trace current cues and presets using them toolbar allows to select / deselect which cues and presets to update. Second UPDATE press confirms command.


Copy is used to duplicate an item, such as a Group, Preset, Media Content, or Cue.

Copy Cue also shows some additional filter options in a toolbar.

Command Description
COPY Preset Button> Preset Button Create copy of existing preset
COPY Group Button Create copy of existing group
COPY GROUP 5 @ 10 ENTER Create copy of existing group
COPY PLAYBACK SELECT > PLAYBACK SELECT Create a copy of the playback on new destination. Destinations are Submaster Faders, Playback Buttons, Playback Faders, Virtual Playback Buttons This does NOT create a new cuelist
COPY CUELIST BUTTON PLAYBACK SELECT Assigns the cuelist to a playback.
COPY CUELIST BUTTON CUELIST BUTTON Create copy of the cuelist. This DOES create a new cuelist
COPY CUE 5 @ 15 ENTER Copy cue 5 to 15 on currently selected cuelist
COPY CUE 5 @ 15 PLAYBACK SELECT Copy cue 5 from current selected cuelist to cue 15 on specific playback cuelist
COPY CUE 5 @ PLAYBACK SELECT Copy cue 5 from current selected cuelist to a new cue at the end of specified playback


Move is used to rearrange items, such as a Group, Preset, Media Content, or Cue.

Command Description
MOVE GROUP Button > GROUP Button Move Group button to a new #
MOVE GROUP 5 @ 10 ENTER Move Group 5 to Group 10
MOVE PRESET Button>PRESET Button Move Preset button Preset can be moved between different preset pages, e g Move a Color preset to the P/T Preset page
MOVE PLAYBACK SELECT > PLAYBACK SELECT Move cuelist to a different playback
MOVE CUELIST Button > CUELIST Button Move cuelist to new #. Macros referencing this cuelist will be updated automatically
MOVE CUELIST Button > PLAYBACK SELECT Assign the cuelist to a playback
MOVE CUE 5 @ 15 ENTER Move cue 5 to 15 on currently selected cuelist
MOVE CUE 5 THRU 8 @ 15 ENTER Move cue 5 through 8 to cue 15 on current selected cuelist


Delete is used to remove items from the show, such as a Group, Preset, Media Content, or Cue.

Command Description
DELETE PRESET Button ENTER Delete a preset
(hold) DELETE PRESET Button (release) DELETE Delete a preset
DELETE GROUP Button ENTER Delete a group
(hold) DELETE GROUP Button (release) DELETE Delete a Group
DELETE GROUP 12 ENTER Deletes Group 12
DELETE PLAYBACK SELECT ENTER Removes the Cuelist from the Playback
(hold) DELETE PLAYBACK SELECT (release) DELETE Removes the Cuelist from the Playback
DELETE CUELIST Button ENTER Delete a Cuelist
(hold) DELETE CUELIST Button (release) DELETE Delete a Cuelist
DELETE CUE 8 THRU 12 ENTER Delete Cue 8 through 12
DELETE CUE 8 THRU 12 + 21 ENTER Deletes Cue 8 through 12 and Cue 21


Clear is used to remove values from the programmer. It also is a shortcut for unpatching which is described in the PATCH section.

A toolbar allows filtering and multiple option in executing the CLEAR function.

Learn more about Clear here.

Command Description
CLEAR ENTER Removes all values from current selected fixtures in programmer

Removes all values from fixtures in SELECTION e.g. Clear 5 Enter, Clear Group 10 Enter, Clear 8 thru 15 Enter


All values and all fixture selection is removed from the programmer

(hold) CLEAR Parameter Group Button Removes the values out of the programmer (e.g. Color)
(hold) CLEAR Parameter Button Removes the value out of the programmer. Note that on some consoles, the parameter button is equal to pushing down the encoder wheel.
(hold) CLEAR multiple Group or fixture buttons Removes all values from specific fixtures or groups
CLEAR Fixture button Removes all values for the specific fixture
CLEAR Touchscreen GROUP Removes all values for the specific Group


Load has two main functions. Capturing a parameters current value from the output, and cloning / copying values across fixtures in the programmer.

Learn more about Load here.

Command Description
LOAD LOAD Read current output for all selected fixtures

Read current output for fixture in [SELECTION] e.g. Load 5 thru 10 Enter or Load Group 3 Enter

(hold) LOAD Fixture button

Read current output for specific fixture

(hold) LOAD Touschscreen GROUP Read current output for specific Group
(hold) LOAD Paramete Group button Read current output for all parameters in selected button (e.g. capture all color parameters)
(hold) LOAD Parameter button Read current output for all parameters in selected button (e.g. LOAD Magenta)
(hold) LOAD multiple Group or fixture buttons Read current output for specific Groups or Fixtures

Copy values (clone) to the destination selection from the source selection

Examples: Load 1 @ 5 ENTER

Load Group 5 @1 ENTER

Load 3 Thru 9 @ 1 Thru 3 ENTER

Load 1 THRU 5 @ 15 THRU 10 ENTER


Copy values (clone) to the current selection from the source selection (uses selection/ command order)

Example: Load @ 5 Enter


Extract the values for the selection out of the specific cue

Example: Load 1 @ Cue 10 Enter

LOAD @ CUE # ENTER Extract values for the current selection out of the specific cue
LOAD ENTER (no selection in programmer) Load all active playback values into the programmer and select all current active fixtures


Cue is used to target a CUE directly for execution on the selected cuelist and will read GOTO CUE on the Command Line.

Some commands may also require CUE like COPY, MOVE, DELETE and LOAD.

Command Description
CUE # ENTER Goto Cue in selected cuelist

Goto Cue in specific Playback button cuelist


Goto Cue in specific Virtual cuelist

(hold) [SNAP] before confirming the command to jump to the cue with no timing

Parameter Timings (Fade & Delay)

Fade and Delay timings are used to set specific timings for parameters. Fanned timings are a very powerful tool for dynamic looks, especially when used with the GROUPING tool.

All commands shown can be executed with DELAY instead of FADE

Command Description
Fade & Delay
FADE Parameter button # ENTER

Assign fadetime to the specified parameter group (e.g. Color) of current selection

FADE Parameter button # ENTER

Assign fadetime to specific channel (e g Magenta) of current selection

FADE # ENTER Assign fadetime to all parameters of the current selection


Command Description
Remove timings from programmer with [-]
FADE Parameter button - ENTER

Removes all fade times and reverts them back to use base cue fade time

FADE Parameter button - ENTER

Removes all fade times and reverts them back to use base cue fade time

FADE - ENTER Removes all fade times and reverts them back to use base cue fade time


Command Description
Split times for Intensities can be entered with [/]
FADE Intensity 2 / 4 ENTER

4s fade time for incoming intensities, 2s for outgoing intensities

FADE Intensity 8 / ENTER

8s fade time in, out time is untouched

FADE Intensity / 1 ENTER 1s fade time out, in time is untouched
FADE Intensity 5 / - ENTER 5s fade time in, out time gets removed


Command Description
Fanned (spread) timing can be created with THRU
DELAYor Parameter button @ 0 THRU 10 ENTER

Spread the delay time evenly from 0 to 10s across the selected fixtures (in order of selection)

@ 0 THRU 5 THRU 0

Spread the delay time from 0s to 5s in the center to 0s at the end of the selection

@ 2 THRU 0 THRU 2 Spreads 2s on the edge to 0s in the center
Multiple THRU commands are possible; split times can be fanned separately for in/out
All combinations with fanning and split times are possible
Intensity 2 THRU 8 / 4 ENTER Incoming fades are spread from 2s to 8s, outgoing fades are a simple 4s


Command Description
Parameter time offset
FADE or Parameter Button + 5 ENTER

Adds 5s to every parameter fade time

FADEor Parameter Button - 5 ENTER

Subtracts 5s from every parameter fade time

DELAY or Parameter Button + 0 THRU 4 ENTER Adds a fanned range of 0 > 4 s to every parameter time

This syntax can be used with individual parameters, or you can press the Parameter Group Button to include the whole parameter group in your fade or delay timing.


Banks can be accessed directly on the consoles Playback Section

Command Description

Goto Bank #

Cuelist Options

The Cuelist Options window is designed as an Editor. By default the surface is protected.

To enable any changes the cuelist window has to be switched to EDIT Mode. This mode is active as long as the button is red.

Command Description
Touch name cell, type name, ENTER Change cue name; changing multiple cells at once enumerates the name, e.g Gobo 1, Gobo 2, Gobo 3….
Touch Trigger cell, select Trigger Mode, # Enter Change Cue Trigger to Go / Follow / Wait and assign x seconds for Follow or Wait
Touch Trigger cell, select Trigger Mode, Enter Toggle trigger mode without changing the time
Touch Trigger cell, 3 Enter Change trigger time to 3s without changing trigger mode
Touch Fade, 4 ENTER Change cue Base Fade time to 4s
Touch Fade, 4/2 ENTER Assign split base fade time 4s in, 2s out to cue
Touch Fade, 5 / Enter Change in time to 5s, leave out time
Touch Fade, / 8 Enter Leave in time, change out time to 8s
Touch Delay, 2 / 6 ENTER Assign split base delay time of 2s in, 6s out to cue
Touch Delay, 2 ENTER Change cue Base Delay time to 2s
Touch Delay, 5 / Enter Change delay in time to 5s, leave out time
Touch Fade Mode, change to Fade All, Snap All, Default Changes the cue to make all parameters SNAP or FADE
Touch Fade (Delay) Override , 3 Enter Changes all parameter delay times to 3s
Touch Fade (Delay) Override , 1 THRU 3 Enter Changes lowest and highest parameter times in cue (and adjust all times in between relatively)
Touch Fade (Delay) Override, - Enter Removes all parameter times out of the cue (all parameter will use the cue base time again)
Touch Fade (Delay) Override, + 2 Enter Adds 2s to every parameter time in the cue
Touch Fade (Delay) Override, - 3 Enter Subtracts 3s from every parameter time in the cue
Touch Comment

Change the cue comment (text only)

Extra features for TimeCode Cuelists:

Command Description
Timecode Cuelist Mode Only
Touch TimeCode cell, enter new TimeCode Enter Changes timecode time
Touch TimeCode cell, + 15 Enter Adds 15 frames to existing timecode
Touch range of TimeCode cells, - 5 Enter Subtract 5 frames from range of cues
Touch TimeCode cell, - - Enter Erases timecode and reverts to manual trigger
Touch MACRO Change cue macro
LINK; touch CUE Select destination cue to jump to
LINK; touch AMOUNT Specify amount of links to be executed

Cuelist Renumber

Cue numbers can only be changed when the Renumber mode is active (red).

Command Description
Touch Cue 3 cell, 15 Enter Renumbers cue 3 to cue 15
Select range of Cue # cells, 10 Enter Assigns range of cues to new start at cue # 10, Pop-Up will offer different spreads:
  by .1 (10.1, 10.2, 10.3….)
  by 5 (10, 10.5, 11, 11.5...)
  by 1 (10, 11, 12…)
  by 10 (10, 20, 30, 40…)
  leave untouched (leaves spacing intact, e.g. 1 1.5 2 renumbered to 10 creates 10 10.5 and 11 )

Patch (Command Line)

ONYX provides a patch Command Line that allows many different combinations.

In addition to the Command Line, adding of fixtures and assigning addresses also offers a Auto Patch mode.

Patching is active as long as the Command Line indicates "PATCH".

Command Description
Choose TYPE Fixture type from existing fixtures in show or new types out of fixture library
(AutoID) (AutoAddress) (AutoDMXUniverse) Console suggested values for automatic fixture IDs and addressing
UNIVERSE # ENTER Select Universe # for patching and viewing
Universe " < " or " > " Scrolls through available Universes with the <> touchscreen buttons
RECORD 20 Choose TYPE, Use Fixture Type (AutoID) ENTER Adds 20 fixtures of TYPE to the patch at next available fixture ID
RECORD 20 Choose TYPE, Use Fixture Type 101 ENTER Adds 20 fixtures of TYPE to the patch starting at ID 101
RECORD 20 Choose TYPE, Use Fixture Type (AutoID) @ 201 ENTER Adds 20 fixtures of TYPE starting at the next available ID and patches it to address 201
RECORD 20 Choose TYPE, Use Fixture Type 101 @ 201 ENTER Adds 20 fixtures of TYPE starting at ID 101 and patches it to address 201
RECORD Choose TYPE, Use Fixture Type (AutoID) ENTER Adds one fixture of TYPE to the patch
RECORD Choose TYPE, Use Fixture Type 101 ENTER Adds one fixture of TYPE to the patch at ID 101
RECORD Choose TYPE, Use Fixture Type 101 + 105 + 108 ENTER Adds fixtures 101, 105, 108 of TYPE
RECORD Choose TYPE, Use Fixture Type 101 THRU 110 ENTER Adds fixtures 101 > 110 of TYPE
RECORD Choose TYPE, Use Fixture Type 101 @ 201 ENTER Add fixture 101 of TYPE and patch it to address 201
RECORD Choose TYPE, Use Fixture Type 101 + 105 + 108 @ 201 ENTER Add fixture 101, 105, 108 of TYPE and patch it to address 201
RECORD Choose TYPE, Use Fixture Type 101 THRU 110 @ 201 ENTER Add fixture 101 > 110 of TYPE and patch it to address 201
115 @ 401 ENTER Patch fixture ID 115 to address 401
115 @ / 5 ENTER Patch fixture ID 115 to the next available address on universe 5
115 THRU 121 @ 5 ENTER Patch fixture ID 115 > 121 to address 5
115 @ (AutoAddress) Patch fixture 115 at next available DMX address
115 + 120 THRU 125 @ 201 ENTER Patch fixture 115 and 120 > 125 @ address 201
51 THRU 31 @ 354 ENTER Patches 51 > 31 to address 354 using the inverted fixture order
101 @ 1 + 15 + 91 ENTER Patch fixture 101 at address 1, 15, 91
101 @ 5 THRU 25 Patch fixture 101 at address 5 > 25
1.1 @ 105 Patches fixture part 1 of ID 1 to address 105
1.1 THRU 10 1 @ 105 Patches fixture part 1 of ID 1 > 10 to address 105
(patching @ address can also be done by touching the address cells)
CLEAR 101 ENTER Clear (unpatch) the DMX address of fixture 101
CLEAR 101 + 105 ENTER Unpatch fixture 101 and 105
CLEAR 1 + 5 THRU 10 ENTER Unpatch fixture 1 and 5 > 10
CLEAR 101 @ 15 ENTER Unpatch address 15 from fixture 101
CLEAR @ 91 ENTER Unpatch address 91 from a fixture in current Universe
CLEAR /5 ENTER Unpatch all fixtures in universe 5
DELETE 101 ENTER Delete fixture 101 from the showfile
DELETE 101 + 105 ENTER Delete fixture 101, 105 from the showfile
DELETE 101 + 105 THRU 110 ENTER Delete fixture 101, 105 > 110 from the showfile
MOVE 1 @ 5 ENTER Renumber fixture ID 1 to ID 5 (if 5 is available)
MOVE 1 THRU 10 @ 51 ENTER Renumber fixture 1 > 10 to ID 51
(renumbering IDs can also be done by touching the ID cells)
Touch NAME cell (Name) ENTER Renames the fixture to (Name)

Patch (Cloning Fixtures)

Sometimes it is necessary to add fixtures to a show after programming is completed. ONYX allows you to clone and duplicate fixtures in the patch easily using natural language. This results in the new fixtures being added into all cues, presets and groups.

Cloning allows also to duplicate programming to a different fixture type. It will try to emulate the original fixture as close as possible during the command.

Cloning is easy to do via the graphical interface. Learn how to use Cloning here.

You also can clone via the command line:

Command Line examples

Command Description
COPY 1 @ 301 Copies all cue values, preset values and group memberships from fixture 1 to fixture 301
COPY 1 @ 301 + 305 Copies all cue values, preset values and group memberships from fixture 1 to fixture 301 and 305
COPY 1 THRU 10 @ 310 THRU 301 Copies all cue values, preset values and group memberships from fixture 1 > 10 to fixture 310 > 301
COPY 1 + 8 @ 301 + 305 Copies all cue values, preset values and group memberships from fixture 1 to 301 and fixture 8 to 305